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Monument Servicing

Schroeder Memorials offers a variety of servicing to your loved one's memorial. As each person has different needs for their stone, we ask that you contact Ethan at 605.464.4867 for a free estimate, custom to your memorial needs.

Bronze Installment

We are proud to have the lowest cost veteran's plaque installation in the area.
Resetting & Leveling
Lettering & Artwork
Final dating added to existing stone in cemetery on stone or bronze monuments; family name;
wedding dates with and without ring art; 
individual inscription; full scene image;
porcelain portrait; and more.
Natural Stone Customization

From full cemetery stones to just a family name,
we can sandblast your natural stone.

Veteran's Services​
Plaque installation in cemetery on existing stone; plaque or stone marker installed on concrete and set in cemetery; Niche Veteran plaque installation in cemetery on existing stone; final dating;
gov. matching markers; and more.
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